Sunday, January 18, 2015

the next adventure...

Hello New Zealand!  The place we have all been waiting for...beaches, warm weather, wicked awesome accents!  After the worst plane ride of my life (the seats did not even recline...YOU try flying for 11 hours and not being able to sleep and see if youre not cranky too) we finally made it to Auckland, New Zealand, our home until February 21.  We are in a town called Henderson which is a branch off of Auckland from what I understand.  It. Is. Incredible. Here.  I love it!  While we are here, we are staying at a college called Laidlaw.  We each get our own rooms, which I am very grateful for, and we are starting our classes.  While most of them are online, we are taking Chinese and an Area study class together.  We eat most meals together and have free time in which we can go and explore the city or do whatever!  Apparently, there is no ozone layer over New Zealand so one of the most common phrases we hear is "Don't forget your sunscreen!"  and it is so can burn to a crisp in a minute!  But it is nice to be able to work on my tan while everyone back home is freezing (bragging rights, sorry not sorry).  The above picture is from a place called Mt. Eden...more on that in my next post!