Wednesday, January 14, 2015

a place of peace...

As I had said before, Tao Fong Shan is a place of prayer and reflection.  I have never felt so at peace as when I was there.  Our leaders explained to us that this mountain top has been prayed over, time and time again.  I never fully understood the power of prayer until I learned this.  It is moments like this when I realize how proud I am to be a Christian and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Every evening we could see the sunset, every morning we could see the sunrise and it would all just proclaim the beauty of His hands.  In the top picture is what is called a prayer labyrinth.  All 23 of us went down with our bibles and let the Lord lead us to scriptures.  We would walk around the maze reading and praying and it was incredible.  Hearing God's word in this way was beautiful.  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.